The abodoo Vision

Bridging the Skills Gap Through Integrated Solutions for Skills Development, Career Progression, and Inclusive Hiring.

Empowering Career Growth with abodoo

Digital Skills Passport (DSP)

The cornerstone of our solution is the Digital Skills Passport (DSP).

This personalised digital profile empowers individuals to define their career aspirations and create a skills-based roadmap to achieve them. With our DSP, we make lifelong learning accessible and achievable.

Bridging the Skills Gap

abodoo’s unique offering

lies in its ability to evaluate the alignment between employer demands and learning providers’ course content. We pinpoint skill gaps and identify opportunities for curriculum enhancement, ensuring learners are job-ready.

Monetising Career Partnerships

For education providers, our platform opens doors to a lucrative revenue 

stream by connecting students with employers. This unique revenue model allows them to thrive while enhancing students’ employability.

Skills Mapping Powered by AI

Our platform employs advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and skills taxonomies to extract skills from learning content. It’s a dynamic process that continuously evolves, ensuring users stay aligned with the demands of the job market.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Our platform supports DEI-compliant hiring practices. Users remain anonymous at the skills match and until invited into the process, fostering a more inclusive job market that values skills over personal identifiers.

Upsell of Courses

We offer curated learning pathways, an alternative to traditional training decisions. Whether you’re an employer seeking specific skills or an employee looking to upskill, our platform provides tailored educational routes.

Digital Skills Passport (DSP)

The cornerstone of our solution is the Digital Skills Passport (DSP). 

This personalised digital profile empowers individuals to define their career aspirations and create a skills-based roadmap to achieve them. With our DSP, we make lifelong learning accessible and achievable.

Bridging the Skills Gap

abodoo’s unique offering lies in its ability to evaluate the alignment between employer demands and learning providers’ course content. We pinpoint skill gaps and identify opportunities for curriculum enhancement, ensuring learners are job-ready.

Monetising Career Partnerships

For education providers, our platform opens doors to a lucrative revenue stream by connecting students with employers. This unique revenue model allows them to thrive while enhancing students’ employability.

Skills Mapping Powered by AI

Our platform employs advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and skills taxonomies to extract skills from learning content. It’s a dynamic process that continuously evolves, ensuring users stay aligned with the demands of the job market.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Our platform supports DEI-compliant hiring practices. Users remain anonymous at the skills match and until invited into the process, fostering a more inclusive job market that values skills over personal identifiers.

Upsell of Courses

We offer curated learning pathways, an alternative to traditional training decisions. Whether you’re an employer seeking specific skills or an employee looking to upskill, our platform provides tailored educational routes.

Unlocking the Benefits

For Government

Data insights visualised to understand skills clusters and skills gaps. Understand ROI on training programmes and pinpoint skills demand.

For Education

Ensure that curricula match the demand of employers. Track alumni success and ensure students are equipped with the hard and human skills to succeed after course completion.  Tie learning to career goals and job opportunities to lower attrition.

For Companies

Map the skills of your workforce in real time, deliver personalised L&D journeys at scale and identify skills gaps before they affect productivity.

Proven Success Story