Skills Mapping

Skills Mapping by abodoo brings together
macro, micro, and real-time skills data from
the Skills Passport to provide a vibrant,
real-time view of skills supply and demand.

At the macro level, natural language
processing (NLP) and abodoo’s Skills
Bridge for Global Skills Taxonomies, analyse
learning content and job market trends,
aligning educational outcomes with
current industry needs.

On the micro side, we map specific courses
and content to capture the exact technical
and interpersonal skills learners are
gaining. And with real-time data mobility,
we track skills movement from learners
and employers alike, creating a full-spectrum
view of skills development.


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Case Studies
This Skills Mapping solution updates quarterly, putting educational providers in the driver’s seat with the latest, most relevant data. Powered by AI, it highlights critical skills gaps and emerging trends, supporting proactive curriculum development and building a vital bridge between education and industry.

The dynamic, user-friendly visual dashboard means every stakeholder can leverage the insights at a glance. With abodoo’s Skills Mapping, educational providers can anticipate future needs and make a powerful impact on the skills landscape.