The CV is broken in a Skills 1st Economy

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November 14, 2023


The CV has been around for as long as the Television, yet we no longer have fax machines, jobs for life or one career path. However it can be hard to move away from what has been the staple way of applying and reviewing jobs and talent.

There is a big need to transition to a Skills 1st solution as last week EIT Digital identified how more than three-quarters of companies in the EU report difficulties finding workers with the right skill set, and one-quarter of SMEs consider the availability of skilled staff and experienced managers the most important problem.

EIT Digital's solution to this problem is the introduction of the (d)Academy, a global initiative to provide talent with the cutting-edge digital skills needed to thrive in today's economy. Central to this is the Digital Skills Passport, powered by Abodoo. The DSP was created to ensure a focus on Skills 1st based inclusive hiring and a reduced reliance on the outdated Curriculum Vitae and supports greater diversity.

Today’s newsletter delves into the reasons why we cannot rely on the CV as a primary method of recruitment and why it is imperative the Educational institutions provide the infrastructure for all of their students to avail of the clear and obvious benefits of having their own digital skills passport.

Why the traditional Curriculum Vitae is no longer fit for purpose

While it may be premature to declare the traditional curriculum vitae (CV) completely dead, there is a growing recognition of the limitations of traditional resumes in capturing the full range of skills and experiences, especially in the context of today's digital landscape. Abodoo’s digital skills passport (DSP) has emerged as a more dynamic and comprehensive alternative. Here's why many are arguing that it is overshadowing the traditional CV:

Dynamic & Updatable

  • Unlike a static CV, a Digital Skills Passport is dynamic and can be regularly updated. This reflects the reality of a fast paced, ever-changing job market where new skills and experiences are gained over time.

Holistic Representation

  • A Digital Skills Passport provides a more holistic representation of an individual's capabilities. It goes beyond a simple list of qualifications and work experience to include a comprehensive overview of verified skills, certifications, projects, and even evidence of practical application.

Multimedia Integration

  • Traditional CVs are typically text-based, but a digital skills passport allows for multimedia integration. This includes links to portfolios, online projects, video demonstrations, or other evidence of skills, providing a richer and more engaging presentation.

Standardised Format

  • Digital Skills Passports adhere to a standardised format, making it easier for employers to quickly assess a candidate's capabilities. This standardisation enhances clarity and comparability, streamlining the hiring process.

Real-Time Verification

  • With Digital Skills Passports, employers can verify skills in real-time. This can be achieved through links to online courses, certifications, or even endorsements from mentors and colleagues, adding a layer of authenticity to the presented skills.

Adaptability to ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)

  • Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems to filter through resumes efficiently. Digital Skills Passports, when formatted correctly, can be more easily parsed by these systems, increasing the chances of a candidate's skills being recognised and considered.

Global Skills Recognition

  • In a globalised job market, a standardised digital skills passport can facilitate cross-border recognition of qualifications, making it easier for candidates to apply for opportunities in different regions.

Emphasis on Human Skills and Competencies (as well as hard skills)

  • Beyond technical skills, digital skills passports can also highlight soft skills and competencies. This is important as employers increasingly value qualities such as adaptability, communication, and collaboration alongside technical expertise.

Efficient Filtering for Employers

  • Employers can quickly filter through Digital Skills Passports using keywords and specific criteria, making the initial screening process more efficient. This can be especially beneficial when dealing with a large volume of applications.

Lifelong Learning Showcase

  • Abodoo’s digital skills passport can be integrated with personalised learning solutions, as is the case with EIT Digital, and encourage a focus on lifelong learning. As individuals acquire new skills and knowledge, they can continuously update their digital skills passport, showcasing a commitment to professional development.

Why Skills 1st Hiring Makes so much more sense

Skills 1st hiring, has gained popularity due to its practical advantages in assessing a candidate's ability to perform specific tasks and contribute effectively to an organisation, allowing for a reduction in potential bias and deliver greater levels of diversity and inclusion.

Added to this Skills 1st Hiring focuses on what a candidate can do rather than primarily considering their academic qualifications of previous job titles. In fast paced industries and job markets, skills have become even more crucial than static qualifications. This allows organisations to adapt quickly to changes by prioritising candidates who possess the specific competencies required for key roles. Job roles are becoming increasingly specialised, and skills first hiring ensures that candidates are selected based on their alignment with the specific requirements of a job. By focusing on skills, recruiters can efficiently identify candidates who possess the exact combinations of skills, knowledge and competencies needed. This streamlines the recruitment process, reducing the time and resources spent on assessing candidates who may lack essential skills.

Traditional hiring practices may be influenced by biases related to educational backgrounds, previous job titles or other (less relevant) factors. Skills 1st Hiring minimises such biases by evaluating candidates based on their demonstrated abilities promoting a more inclusive and fair hiring process. This can lead to a more diverse workforce by providing opportunities for individuals with various backgrounds and experiences. Such an approach values what candidates can contribute, irrespective of their demographic or educational background. It also encourages and promotes a culture of continuous learning – candidates and employees are motivated to acquire and develop new skills throughout their careers, fostering a workforce that is resilient, adaptable, and eager to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Why Educational Institutions Need to Embrace the DSP for their Students

Embracing the Digital Skills Passport for all students in educational institutions offers a range of benefits in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Below are several reasons, we believe, why educational institutions should consider adopting digital skills passports:

Alignment with Industry Demands

  • Digital Skills are increasingly becoming essential in the modern workplace. By integrating a Digital Skills Passport, educational institutions can ensure that their students are equipped with the skills and knowledge that align with current industry demands.

Enhanced Employability

  • Abodoo’s Digital Skills Passport serves as a comprehensive record of a student's skills and competencies. This can significantly enhance their employability by providing potential employers with a clear overview of the skills and experiences the candidate brings to the table.

Adaptability to Technological Advances

  • The digital landscape is constantly evolving. A Digital Skills passport encourages continuous learning and adaptability by allowing students to update their skills regularly. This helps them stay current with technological advances and industry trends.

Global Recognition

  • Digital Skills Passports can facilitate global recognition of a student's qualifications. This is particularly important as the workforce becomes more globalised, with employers seeking talent with diverse and universally recognised skill sets.

Efficient Skills Assessment

  • Digital Skills Passports streamline the skills assessment process for educators and employers alike. Instead of relying solely on traditional transcripts, a Digital Skills Passport provides a more detailed and up-to-date account of a student's capabilities.

Promotion of Lifelong Learning

  • As outlined above, Abodoo’s digital skills passport promotes a culture of lifelong learning. Students are encouraged to continuously develop and enhance their skills throughout their careers, fostering a mindset that is crucial in an era of rapid technological change.

Facilitation of Personalised Learning Pathways

  • Digital Skills Passports can help educators tailor learning paths for individual students based on their strengths, weaknesses, and career goals. This personalised approach can lead to more effective education and skill development.

Enhanced Collaboration Between Education and Industry (bridging the gap)

  • Adopting Digital Skills Passports fosters stronger collaboration between educational institutions and industries. This collaboration is essential for ensuring that educational programs remain relevant and that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the workforce.

Data Driven Decision Making

  • Digital Skills Passports generate valuable data on student performance and skill acquisition. Educational institutions can use this data to make informed decisions about curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and resource allocation.

Key Takeaways

While the traditional CV may not be entirely obsolete, the digital skills passport presents a compelling alternative that aligns better with the needs of the modern workforce and the technological advancements shaping the job market. As the professional landscape evolves, the adoption of digital skills passports is likely to become more prevalent.

Skills-first hiring is not without challenges, such as the need for effective skills assessment methods, it aligns with the demands of today's dynamic job market and can contribute to building a more capable, diverse, and adaptable workforce.

The Digital Skills Passport can serve as a powerful tool for educational institutions to better prepare their students for the digital age, enhance employability, and contribute to the overall success of their graduates in the dynamic and competitive job market.

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